Taking part in a clinical trial is a very important live decision. It can be the outcome of a long search for a cure, but it can also bring various risks along the way. So every step of the process and every vague point must be cleared out.

We have noticed that many people often do not know what exactly to ask when showing interest in a clinical trial. They are mostly focused on the availability of the trial or the locations, for instance. Others, of course, have done their homework a.k.a a long and torturing research on their own condition and the options within the clinical industry. But not everyone has that time and energy, not mentioning how terminological the medical language is when it comes to clinical trials, regulations and documentation.

Having said all this, we thought we can summarize a small part of the most important questions that every potential volunteer in a clinical trial should ask before committing to a study.

Here they are.



  1. […] 15 Questions to Ask Before Applying For a Clinical Trial (Infographic) […]

  2. My only interest is stem cell and dental implants. Can you provide more information. Thank you!

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