Amidst IBS Awareness Month we want to bring your attention to some common misconceptions about IBS so as to set it apart from IBD (they’re not one and the same!) and do what April invites us to do - raise awareness about how serious and underresearched IBS is. We take this opportunity to present some facts about IBS, as well…

Prognosis for myasthenia gravis looks better than ever due to increased awareness and clinical research coming up with novel treatments. MG-related mortality has dropped from 70% at the beginning of the 20th century to 3-5% today and people with MG generally have the same life expectancy as everyone else. Thanks to improving treatments, many go on to live long happy…

It’s been almost 70 years since the ‘refrigerator mother’ surfaced as an explanation of autism. The hypothesis, since debunked, was courtesy of Leo Kanner and Bruno Bettelheim, both physicians with the taste for the fad of the day - psychoanalysis. More wild suggestions as to what causes autism have followed. Because the cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has not…

Having a happy healthy relationship will always be a lot of work and culture isn’t shifting fast enough to address body insecurity in a significant way but some of us face additional challenges and unfair setbacks. If you recently got an ostomy or you and your doctor are considering surgery as an option, dating with a stoma bag might seem…

Technology has a way of making our lives easier by automating everything we’re not so eager to do ourselves - think dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, especially the ones that clean on their own, they’re a real blessing. And, because so much of our lives is now linked to technology, our smartphones are like little treasure boxes - maybe we do the…
