Category Archives News

FindMeCure’s search engine comes up with as many as 583 clinical trials for osteoarthritis around the world, so as we promised, we’re going to give you some insight about several of them. We picked a few ongoing clinical trials, phase III, in the UK and US, so you can get a glimpse at what’s going on in the field of…

A while ago we talked about the different types of arthritis and we focused specifically on rheumatoid arthritis. And now we’d like to talk some more about osteoarthritis, as you have to be more specific if you’re looking for clinical trials for your condition – with 578 trials popping up when you enter “arthritis” into the search box, there are…

RA/Rheumatoid Arthritis/Clinical Trials

Rheumatoid arthritis is vastly different than what we simply call “arthritis”, which in most cases is the most common type – osteoarthritis. But while osteoarthritis affects the cartilage that serves as a sort of a “cushion” between the two opposing ends of the bones of a joint, rheumatoid arthritis can damage a number of other body systems as well along…

On the 12th of October which is World Arthritis Day, we at FindMeCure wanted to raise awareness about the disease since early diagnosis is crucial for alleviating symptoms and getting better access to treatments. A number of open clinical trials our search engine comes up with for Arthritis is unbelievable – there are 556 worldwide studying all kinds of treatments…
