Posts By FindMeCure Team

At times it may seem like you’re the only unfortunate person to be fighting a rare autoimmune disease. And it’s true that Myasthenia gravis only affects between 14 and 40 in 100,000 people. You don’t have a very high chance at stumbling upon someone living with the disease, just randomly on the street. And unlike some other conditions, MG is…

One of the reasons we never lose our hope, working in this industry where disease is one of our main topics is the astounding amount of medical advancements we learn about every single day. It’s true that clinical research is improving major disease prognosis by the hour - new breakthroughs happen almost every month to the point where it’s hard…

Jenna Farmer is gut health geek who knows all about IBD living, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle. Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease several years ago, Jenna is now expecting her first child - a journey she shares about regularly on her blog, A Balanced Belly. Disarmingly honest about her fertility struggles and the culture that makes pregnancy seem like an instantaneous wish-fulfillment,…

Starting a family while battling an IBD might seem more than daunting. Not only do you fear passing down your disease to your children like a morbid family heirloom but you also wonder if you could even bear children at all. Maybe you had abdominal surgery and you read all over the internet that it can lower fertility rates in…

Amidst IBS Awareness Month we want to bring your attention to some common misconceptions about IBS so as to set it apart from IBD (they’re not one and the same!) and do what April invites us to do - raise awareness about how serious and underresearched IBS is. We take this opportunity to present some facts about IBS, as well…

Prognosis for myasthenia gravis looks better than ever due to increased awareness and clinical research coming up with novel treatments. MG-related mortality has dropped from 70% at the beginning of the 20th century to 3-5% today and people with MG generally have the same life expectancy as everyone else. Thanks to improving treatments, many go on to live long happy…
